“And verily, there is no matter so great, so famous, so peculiar, which time and oblivion would not erase at some time, if the pens of their chroniclers do not lend it light and testimony.” This is what Jan Długosz wrote centuries ago. This practical and wise thought has survived for centuries because our great historian recorded it in his monumental work “Annals or Chronicles of the Famous Kingdom of Poland”
Let your descendants learn something about your history, thoughts and experiences. Write your own chronicles and memorial books. We will help you with this, provide technical support, exceptional binding, and even help you edit and print the chronicles.

Our publishing house has specialised in their handicraft production for years. We offer you not only unique stylized bindings, but also help in designing and editing their interior. Leather covers, made by the masterful hand of our bookbinders, embossed ornaments and inscriptions, decorated with metal fittings like old incunabula will give the atmosphere and solemnity to the events described in them.

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