The first Pergamena publications appeared on the publishing market 25 years ago and are still something phenomenal, breaking the existing standards of editorial style and forms of expression. A characteristic feature of our publications is their multifunctionality. The reception and purpose of the publication may change depending on the needs and situation. Therefore, to make it easier for you to get to know and use our publishing offer, we have divided the products into several categories that interpenetrate and complement each other. Some refer to the form, others to the function, and often they are the same. To the classic division into categories such as maps, calendars, holiday cards, educational boards, we have also added stylized scrolls and occasional letters, which are our editorial distinguishing feature among other publishing houses.


Pergamena maps and the continents, countries or regions presented on them are not only cartographic representations of areas, but above all their artistic portraits. Through images and symbols, we show the beauty of the lands, their values, history and tradition. After years of selling these publications, we can proudly inform you that thanks to your choices, they have become a popular decoration of Polish homes and offices. These facts naturally make our maps a good medium for visual advertising. We invite you to the advertising publications section.


Stylized scrolls are publications with a very universal character and content. We publish them mainly in the form of wall publications, which are our trademark and specialty. These scrolls, like few other editorial forms, allow for the popularization and visualization of short literary works, poetry, thoughts, archives, works of art. Thanks to their original binding, they can exist directly in the space surrounding us and have an impact with their content. Some of them are provided with a wax seal – a unique distinguishing feature of our publications. After years of using the classic form of a scroll wound on wooden rollers, we are introducing another innovation. These are scrolls in a ceramic binding, which combine the beauty of the illustrated word with the beauty of majolica shimmering with the crystalline colors of nature. Ceramic covers-hangers of our publications are an innovative solution, although their components (ceramics and paper) have been known for thousands of years. We make them using the handicraft method. We offer you a choice of several basic colour patterns of hangers, temporarily only publications with a width of 30 cm. Each publication of this width available in the classic version on rollers can be made in a ceramic cover at the customer’s request. Publications published in the form of stylised scrolls can be made in various language versions according to the provided text or in a free translation.


Pergamena calendars are unique editions, giving this product a new meaning and a higher dimension. Although they do not have the ability to stop time, they effectively hold the eye and attention. They decorate interiors with a unique, captivating form and thought-provoking content. The calendar graphics are printed on high-quality decorative paper with the texture of handmade paper. To strengthen and protect the sheet, the printouts are covered on both sides with a special parchment. The calendars are framed with wooden rods with decorative tips inserted into riveted sleeves, to which a decorative string is attached with a special knot, used to hang the publication on the wall. The sides of the paper are effectively torn like scrolls of old prints touched by the tooth of time. At the bottom of the calendar, there is a seal referring to the tradition of signing important documents in this way. For transport, the publication is rolled into a practical roll. Our publishing house’s calendars are an original and effective means of visual advertising. Using stock products or designing new ones, we will create a prestigious, original advertisement for your company or an engaging, personal gift for you. We invite you to view our calendars in the “from the old days” tab. There, we present a collection of calendars from years gone by that are not directly included in the current offer. In this way, we would like to present our rich and original publishing achievements.


We offer you help in editing and making unique occasional prints, so different from the ready-made, often banal templates commonly available in stores and on the Internet. We will make for you individualized diplomas, thanks, distinctions, foundation deeds, certificates, letters of congratulations in the form of scrolls. We can also incorporate your personalized wishes, dedications and photos into our catalog publications. The original form of printing will emphasize the significance of the celebrated events, the sublimity of the expressed thoughts and feelings, commemorate fleeting moments, giving them a more lasting testimony.


We offer you help in editing and making unique occasional prints, so different from the ready-made, often banal templates commonly available in stores and on the Internet. We will make individualized diplomas, thanks, distinctions, foundation acts, certificates, letters of congratulations in the form of scrolls for you. We can also incorporate your personalized wishes, dedications and photos into our catalog publications. The original form of printing will emphasize the significance of the celebrated events, the sublimity of the expressed thoughts and feelings, and will commemorate fleeting moments, giving them a more lasting testimony.


We created these unique occasional letters to maintain a beautiful tradition and to make life easier and more colorful. They refer to the climate and tradition of the already elite art of epistolography, in which written words go beyond the sphere of everyday speech, elevate and enrich our everyday life. The hand-made letters have the form of blanks decorated with graphics in the rich style of our Publishing House. We print them on fine paper with irregular edges and features referring to handmade paper and old parchments. We have provided them with an original wax seal, which closes the letter in an innovative way after folding it. Thanks to this original solution, when opening the letter, we do not break the seal, it still remains whole on the letter, adds charm to it and emphasizes the uniqueness of the correspondence. To make it easier for you to find the most beautiful, most apt phrases, formulas and thoughts, to adapt the letters to life situations, we offer thematic stationery for various occasions. We enrich them with verses of outstanding masters of words, pearls of Polish and world literature. Some of the forms contained in them, like Christmas cards, only require personalization and a signature, while others have plenty of room for your writing creativity. One stationery set includes 10 letter cards with envelopes packed in an aesthetic cardboard box also closed with a seal.

We hope that the collection of our stationery will meet your expectations and give the recipients of the letters genuine satisfaction, and maybe even inspire them to collect this correspondence as a kind of chronicle, which, in spite of time, will effectively commemorate important moments and events in life.

“And truly, there is no matter so great, so famous, so peculiar, which time and oblivion would not erase at some time,
if the pens of their chroniclers do not lend it light and testimony.”

This is what Jan Długosz wrote centuries ago. This practical and wise idea has survived for centuries, because our great historian recorded it in his monumental work “Annals or Chronicles of the Famous Kingdom of Poland”. Let your descendants learn something about your history, thoughts and experiences. Write your own chronicles and memorial books. We will help you with this, provide technical support, exceptional binding, and even help you edit and print the chronicles. Our publishing house has specialised in their handicraft production for years. We offer you not only unique stylised bindings, but also help in designing and editing their interior. Leather bindings made by the masterful hand of our bookbinders, decorated with embossed ornaments and inscriptions, enriched with metal fittings like old incunabula will give the atmosphere and solemnity to the events described in them.


In the era of traditional teaching aids being replaced by electronic forms, wall boards deprived of virtual transience remain an irreplaceable canon of lasting visual communication. The educational publications we publish are dedicated to all recipients, because as the wise proverb says, it is never too late to learn. In our educational mission, we take special care of school youth. We do so in accordance with the maxim uttered centuries ago by Jan Zamoyski “The Republics will be like the way their youth are raised…”


On the home page, we present ourselves to you as a unique publishing house. We deserve such a name not only because of our original publications, but also because of the unconventional, individualized editorial and advertising services that we provide to our recipients. We offer assistance in the implementation of personalized products. We help in their idea, in the formulation of content, in the design of graphic design and of course in the execution, so we help, in thought, speech and deed.
The charm of the publications of the Pergamena Publishing House attracts attention, and thus guarantees the effectiveness of the message of your advertisement placed on them. Our publications break the stereotypes of gift standards and gadgets. Using stock publications or designing new ones, we will create for you an unconventional advertisement, a satisfying gift, a unique occasional magazine. The rich offer of Pergamena was created largely under the influence of opinions, suggestions and needs expressed by customers. The list of activities and possibilities is open, we do not close it so as not to limit our collective creativity. We put at your disposal the craftsmanship and experience of our design specialists.

We invite you to cooperate.