Our offer is open and constantly evolving, so not all projects are available yet. If you don’t find the product you’re looking for in our collection, please send us an email or call, and describe your needs. We will create a product tailored to your expectations. Customer suggestions are an important motivation for our actions and creations.

Catalog prices do not apply to custom-made projects. To expedite the processing of your order, please send a bank payment confirmation for the publications purchased through our online store via email. Most of the publications released as stylized scrolls can be produced in various language versions based on the provided text or in free translation.

  • The board shows a selection of reflections from the writings of the outstanding teacher Janusz Korczak. The author expresses the child's needs, desires and dilemmas in an original form addressed to parents and educators. The engaging text makes us reflect on our attitude towards children and makes us sensitive to their needs.
  • The board dedicated to the anniversaries enacted by the Sejm for 2016 is an original form of supporting the Sejm's initiative and cementing it in the public memory for years to come. The Polish Sejm has been enacting patrons of consecutive years since 2011, making this tradition relatively new. The introduction of this practice was intended to honor important historical figures, events, anniversaries and themes that play an important role in Polish culture, history and heritage. Each year, the Sejm selects several patrons whose activities or achievements are specifically recalled and celebrated in various initiatives and cultural and educational events throughout Poland.
  • Army – Diploma

    139,00 149,00 
    Edition in the form of a stylised scroll with a wax seal suspended on strings. It is printed on decorative paper, similar in texture and properties to the handmade papers used in former times. An additional characteristic of the publication are the jagged edges of the sheet, which are stylistically reminiscent of old incunabula affected by the teeth of time. As with all our wall publications, the paper is coated with a matt laminate on both sides, which strengthens it and protects it from moisture and dust. In addition, this treatment makes the scroll similar to the original parchment. The sheet is wound on wooden rollers topped with knobs with metal fittings. The overall design is reminiscent of Roman scripture scrolls or Jewish torah. Author's binding by Pergamena Publishing House with decorative hanging string.
  • Artur Grottger

    149,00 570,00 
    Plansz edukacyjna przedstawiająca kalendarium życia Artura Grottgera wraz z wybranymi grafikami arsysty.
  • Baptismal act

    89,00 160,00 
    A stylized document certifying baptism, which is an artistic copy of the original baptismal certificate issued in the parish where the child was baptized. It contains annotations from the metrical books. Unlike the modest, standard parish document, it has the form of a solemn act commemorating the most important event in the religious life of a Christian. We issue this scroll in a basic version to be filled out by yourself, or personalized for an extra charge (after the customer provides the data).
  • Blessing of the home

    89,00 160,00 
    Original scroll with a beautiful prayer for the blessing of a house and its inhabitants beginning with the Latin phrase Christus mansionem benedicat (“May Christ bless this house”). Receiving and giving blessings is one of the most essential aspects of the religious life of Christians. Praying the Blessing are words equipped with effective spiritual power to make an individual or community feel empowered and secure, free from fears and immune to the influences of evil. The Blessing is a gift of God, from whom all good comes, a tangible manifestation and confirmation of His life-giving presence in the world and favor towards those who trust in Him. Our publication is a beautiful testimony of faith....
  • Bogurodzica

    89,00 160,00 
    Bogurodzica - a medieval Polish religious song and the oldest Polish poetic text preserved with melody. The date of the composition is not known, it is assumed that it occurred in the 13th or 14th century, although the first record of the text comes only from the beginning of the 15th century (the year 1407). In 1506, the text of the song was appended to the Statutes of Jan Łaski with the erroneous information that its author was St. Adalbert.
  • A stylized "herbal" calendar reminiscent of the famous Hippocratic maxim - Your food should be your medicine and your medicine your food. Referring to Hippocrates' dietary advice, we have placed on the board a description of the most important medicinal herbs along with their illustrations and drawings by Leonardo da Vinci from around 1490. The main illustration is the Vitruvian Man. The work is a revision of Vitruvius' concept of the proportions of the human body. The Vitruvian Man is Leonardo's most famous drawing, considered a symbol of combining art with science.
  • A charming composition of flowers and symbols creating a stylized clock face painted by the famous Silesian artist and illustrator Jarek Nocoń, shows the most important species of plants used in creating a natural flower clock. In the corners we placed allegorical female figures symbolizing the seasons. A flower clock is an original idea of ​​using the natural properties of plants to measure time. This unconventional timepiece is based on the observation of the life cycle of flowers, which open and close their petals at specific times of the day. This idea uses the circadian rhythms of plants, which are naturally synchronized with the rhythms of the environment, mainly with changes in sunlight. The idea of ​​creating a flower clock comes from the observation of the natural behavior of plants by the famous botanist, Carl Linnaeus. In the 18th century, Linnaeus noticed that different species of plants open their flowers at fixed and predictable times of the day, which inspired him to use these phenomena in practice to measure time.
  • Patriotic and educational calendar, compendium of national symbols. It presents a historical outline of the evolution of the Polish emblem, the prophetic message of Cyprian Kamil Norwid indicating the significance of tradition in the history of the nation. We produce the publication in various sizes depending on the needs of the recipient.
  • Stylized wall calendar with wax seal suspended on strings.Dimensions: 30 cm wide x 90 cm long. The form of the binding is modelled on the traditional way of hanging wall publications on wooden rods, but we have applied an original modification. The upper and lower sleeves housing the support rods are joined by decorative metal rivets. It is printed on decorative paper, similar in texture and properties to the handmade papers used in the old days. An additional characteristic element of the publication are the ragged edges of the sheet, which are stylistically reminiscent of old incunabula affected by the tooth of time. As with all our wall publications, the paper is coated with a matt laminate on both sides, which strengthens the paper and protects it from moisture and dust. In addition, this treatment makes the calendar look like the original parchment. The overall look is reminiscent of Roman script scrolls. Author's binding by Pergamena Publishers with a decorative hanging string.
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