• A publication dedicated to soldiers and all defenders of freedom and peace gathered around the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In an allegorical illustration referring to the Arthurian legend of the Knights of the Round Table, we have shown representatives of NATO member states stylized as knights. The motto of the calendar is a Latin proverb, paraphrased from the prologue to the work On the Art of War by Vegetius, a Roman historian from the 4th century AD Si vis pacem, para bellum – “If you want peace, prepare for war”. In the cartouches forming the frame of the image, we have placed the emblems of NATO countries.  
  • Map – Nature of Poland

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    "Poland is a land of ancient primeval forests and thousands of lakes spread on hills and plains between the Baltic Sea and the high Tatra Mountains. History has endowed our country with a unique place on Earth, thanks to which beautiful Polish landscapes four times a year undergo extraordinary metamorphoses delighting with the dynamics of nature, its unusual colors and moods." The map “Nature of Poland” is a publcation unique and beautiful, full of images and symbols of the natural heritage of our country. It is a map - sanctuaries of Polish nature, which should, like the works of Mickiewicz, go under thatched roofs to give and strengthen in us a sense of connection with nature and responsibility for it. Maintained in the convention of old cartographic works, it tells about the treasures of nature that have survived to our time. It presents in decorative cartouches business cards of Polish national parks, gives the most important natural and geographical information about Poland, describes the forms of environmental protection used in our country, beautifully promotes Polish nature. Wishing to popularize the natural beauty of our country, we have published two twin maps, “Nature of Poland” and “Forests of Poland”, which in a complementary way present the overall resource of Polish nature. National parks are the mothers of Polish flora and fauna, but they are not a separate and independent natural creation, they are part of our natural environment, which includes many components such as forests, landscape parks, areas of protected landscape, agricultural land and, of course, water. National parks account for only 1% of our country's land area. The remaining 29% is made up of forest areas owned by the State Forestry Service.
  • Map of the Rudziniec Forest District

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    A map of the Rudziniec Forest District, one of 38 forest districts that form part of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Katowice. The map presents a brief description of the forest district, forest divisions and forest habitat types.
  • Map of China

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    A unique map filled with oriental style illustrates both the cartographic image of China and the specific nature and culture of the center country and its cantons. At the bottom of the map is one of the most recognizable symbols of China, the Square of Heavenly Peace (Tiananmen Square). The side frames show the most famous monuments and symbols of Chinese culture and tradition. The publication is bound on wooden poles with decorative tips and topped with a suspended Chinese wax seal. The publication belongs to a series of maps created at the request of the Polish Olympic Committee. It was made in 2008 for the XXIX Summer Olympic Games, which took place in Beijing, the capital of China.
  • Map – Poland from a eagle’s eye view

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    This is a unique map on our publishing market. In addition to its classic cartographic content, it also presents a unique landscape image of Poland. We have combined two complementary views on one map. Our artists have painted Poland “from an eagle’s eye view” to illustrate the beauty of our homeland and its assets. Wanting to show the Polish mountains in a clear perspective, we have reversed the observer’s position to the north. We have marked the panorama with the most important cities, monuments, rivers, and forests. This is how this unique and practical landscape publication was created.
  • Map of Canada

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    A map of Canada, or rather a map of North America. A publication commissioned by the Polish Olympic Committee for the XXI Winter Olympic Games, which took place in the Canadian city of Vancouver on 12–28 February 2010. This is another in a series of Olympic maps. The map frames and cartouches refer stylistically to the totemic culture of the North American Indians. The upper part of the publication shows a winter view of the Rocky Mountains region, where the games were held, the lower part shows the panorama of the city of Vancouver.
  • Map of Europe

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    The Map of Europe is one of the leading publications of our publishing house, created by outstanding Silesian artists Kazimierz and Ksawery Kaliski. The publication’s original graphic and thematic composition captivates with its colors and richness of content. The unique map refers stylistically to old editorial forms, but presents Europe much deeper, fuller and more beautifully. In symbols and images, it shows the cross-sectional richness of the centuries-old cultural heritage of the old continent, its state and national specificity. It is framed on wooden rods with decorative ends and topped with a suspended wax seal.

  • Map of Greece

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    The beautiful graphic and color composition of the map illustrates both the cartographic image of the lands of Greece and its historical and cultural heritage. The enchanting landscapes, ancient architecture and a list of outstanding figures from the history of Greece shown in cross-section on the map are a compendium of knowledge about the cradle of our civilization. The publication belongs to a series of maps created at the request of the Polish Olympic Committee. It was made for the XXVIII Summer Olympic Games held in Athens (Greece) in 2004.
  • Map of Poland

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    The stylized graphic and color composition of the map illustrates both the cartographic image of contemporary Polish lands and the natural and cultural specificity of individual regions. The side cartouches refer to the contemporary administrative division of the country. Each voivodeship is illustrated in a separate frame. There we can see its characteristic monuments, terrain, vegetation, and regional folk costume. At the bottom of the map we have shown a list of outstanding figures from the history of Poland. Illustrations depicting great leaders, scientists and artists are an instructive story about the thousand-year history of our country.
  • Map – Polish flavors

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    Here is a country abundant in goods from the Baltic Sea to the peaks of the Tatra Mountains Here food recipes are part of an old culture with a hint of Slavic spirit and for the senses as well as the bellyIt is an old Polish tradition to feast among delicacies so let's sit in a circle together the table is already setAnd let's choose Polish dishes because it's a delight to eat. The unique map Polish Flavors brings the uniqueness of Polish culinary tradition closer. The rhymed descriptions of the most famous Polish dishes surround a colorful, landscape representation of the Polish lands. A lavishly set table, a nobleman in a kontusz and an old-Polish inviting gesture encourage the tasting of Polish dishes. The original descriptions of the dishes are poems by Father Marek Wójcicki written especially for this publication. The publication is thematically inscribed in our publishing mission, which is to promote Poland, its beauty, history and traditions. Images painted by artist Marek Michna and illustrator Radoslaw Jaszczuk.
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