• A publication dedicated to veterinarians and all those sensitive to animal suffering. In an allegorical illustration, we have presented a veterinarian during an operation on a sick animal. Around the veterinarian, various species of animals (potential patients) are gathered, experiencing with compassion this painful situation for the monkey.  
  • A publication dedicated to soldiers and all defenders of freedom and peace gathered around the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In an allegorical illustration referring to the Arthurian legend of the Knights of the Round Table, we have shown representatives of NATO member states stylized as knights. The motto of the calendar is a Latin proverb, paraphrased from the prologue to the work On the Art of War by Vegetius, a Roman historian from the 4th century AD Si vis pacem, para bellum – “If you want peace, prepare for war”. In the cartouches forming the frame of the image, we have placed the emblems of NATO countries.  
  • The rulers are mortal - The homeland is eternal 14-page calendar of the Rulers of Poland – Millennium souvenir of the coronation of the first king of Poland, Bolesław Chrobry This is an exceptional publication, its form, content and the idea it serves make it deserve the title of a millennium souvenir in every respect. This great anniversary has become an opportunity for us to present the topic of Polish rulers in a comprehensive form in the form of a unique calendar – album. Following the drawings from the Collection of Polish Kings and Princes by Jan Matejko, we have created our own original collection of 48 colour portraits of Polish rulers, supplemented with figures that Master Matejko did not draw. Each month's page features images of four historical figures with short biographies. The year 2025 will mark the thousandth anniversary of the coronation in Gniezno of two Polish kings, Bolesław the Brave and his son Mieszko II Lambert. The coronation of the first Polish king, Bolesław the Brave, took place in the Gniezno cathedral most likely on Easter, which then fell on April 18. Two months later, Chrobry died and his son Mieszko II took over the inheritance. The coronation ceremony took place the same year on Christmas, also in Gniezno.  
  • Diploma confirming appointment to the first officer rank in the Polish Army. Our offer is a modernized, color version of a pre-war document called officer's patent, made according to a monochromatic design by Prof. Jan Wojnarski. Appointment to the rank of officer is part of the military ceremonial, referring to the medieval tradition of knighting - the fitting of a knight. The rank is conferred in Poland by the President of the Republic of Poland at the request of the Minister of National Defense. . The original old patent was signed by the Minister of Military Affairs and the President of the Republic, and during the lifetime of Jozef Pilsudski it was also signed by the Marshal himself. The text of the pre-war patent was as follows: At the request of the Minister of Military Affairs, stating that Mr. (Name of officer) has the military preparation and qualities appropriate to the vocation of an officer, Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  • Chronicle – Grunwald 1410

    139,00 149,00 
    Chronicle of the Battle of Grunwald with a unique copy of the majestic seal of King Ladislaus Jagiello.
  • Army – Diploma

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    Edition in the form of a stylised scroll with a wax seal suspended on strings. It is printed on decorative paper, similar in texture and properties to the handmade papers used in former times. An additional characteristic of the publication are the jagged edges of the sheet, which are stylistically reminiscent of old incunabula affected by the teeth of time. As with all our wall publications, the paper is coated with a matt laminate on both sides, which strengthens it and protects it from moisture and dust. In addition, this treatment makes the scroll similar to the original parchment. The sheet is wound on wooden rollers topped with knobs with metal fittings. The overall design is reminiscent of Roman scripture scrolls or Jewish torah. Author's binding by Pergamena Publishing House with decorative hanging string.
  • The educational board Student of Our School presents patterns of good features, attitudes and behaviors of students.
  • An educational board dedicated to the young generation, for whom the tragic period of Martial Law is fortunately only an inexperienced episode in the history of our country. It presents the most important events of that time in a clear and suggestive way.
  • The board shows a selection of reflections from the writings of the outstanding teacher Janusz Korczak. The author expresses the child's needs, desires and dilemmas in an original form addressed to parents and educators. The engaging text makes us reflect on our attitude towards children and makes us sensitive to their needs.
  • Warsaw Uprising – Educational board

    149,00 570,00 
    An educational board published to commemorate the Warsaw Uprising.
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