Patriotic and educational board, compendium of national symbols. We make it in various sizes so that customers can adjust it to their needs and local conditions. The publication presents the modern state emblem, a selection of historical emblems, and the full text of the national anthem (Dąbrowski Mazurka).
Plansz edukacyjna przedstawiająca kalendarium życia Artura Grottgera wraz z wybranymi grafikami arsysty.
The nutrition board "Champions of healthy eating and physical activity" is a verbal and graphic illustration of the principles of healthy eating. This is an innovative scheme that groups food products and presents them in the form of a sports podium with a very clear evaluative division. Unlike the popular food pyramid scheme, which is not very suggestive for young people, our original board presents the healthiest products in a fun and clear way in the first and subsequent places on the podium. Unhealthy or even harmful dishes were pointedly placed in the garbage. The graphic message is complemented by ten essential principles of healthy eating placed at the top of the publication.
An educational board published to commemorate the Warsaw Uprising.
The board shows a selection of reflections from the writings of the outstanding teacher Janusz Korczak. The author expresses the child's needs, desires and dilemmas in an original form addressed to parents and educators. The engaging text makes us reflect on our attitude towards children and makes us sensitive to their needs.
An educational board dedicated to the young generation, for whom the tragic period of Martial Law is fortunately only an inexperienced episode in the history of our country. It presents the most important events of that time in a clear and suggestive way.
The educational board Student of Our School presents patterns of good features, attitudes and behaviors of students.