• Map – Polish Forests

    149,00 490,00 
    The "Forests of Poland" map presents a cartographic image of Polish forests, the structure and administrative boundaries of the State Forests, the headquarters of forest districts and regional directorates, as well as the location of the most important primeval forests, coniferous forests, forests, national parks and Promotional Forest Complexes in Poland. The decorative cartouches of the map show representative landscapes found in individual regional directorates, as well as selected animal species characteristic of the nature of our country. Forest areas cover almost 30% of the area of ​​Poland. This is where the main natural resource of our country is located. Most of this area is managed by the State Forests, whose task, included in the mission of the company, is to protect and shape the natural environment. Each administrative unit of the State Forests, each forester is de facto ambassadors of Polish nature. They are the ones who perform this daily ant work, the effects of which are not always noticed, but will certainly be appreciated by future generations. It is to them that we owe the development and good condition of the natural well-being of our homeland.
  • A stylized map with a wax seal suspended on strings. The form of the binding is based on the traditional method of hanging wall publications on wooden rods, but we have used our own modification. The upper and lower sleeves containing the supporting rods are connected using decorative metal rivets. As in all our board publications, the paper is coated on both sides with a refining, matte laminate, which strengthens it and protects it from moisture and dust. Wooden rods topped with knobs with metal fittings. Authorial binding of the Pergamena Publishing House provided with a decorative string for hanging.
  • Map of the Warmia-Masuria Voivodeship

    149,00 490,00 
    A stylized map with a wax seal suspended on strings. The form of the binding is based on the traditional method of hanging wall publications on wooden rods, but we have used our own modification. The upper and lower sleeves containing the supporting rods are connected using decorative metal rivets. As in all our board publications, the paper is coated on both sides with a refining, matte laminate, which strengthens it and protects it from moisture and dust. Wooden rods topped with knobs with metal fittings. Authorial binding of the Pergamena Publishing House provided with a decorative string for hanging.
  • Map of the Silesian Voivodeship

    149,00 490,00 
    A stylized map with a wax seal suspended on strings. The form of the binding is based on the traditional method of hanging wall publications on wooden rods, but we have used our own modification. The upper and lower sleeves containing the supporting rods are connected using decorative metal rivets. As in all our board publications, the paper is coated on both sides with a refining, matte laminate, which strengthens it and protects it from moisture and dust. Wooden rods topped with knobs with metal fittings. Authorial binding of the Pergamena Publishing House provided with a decorative string for hanging.
  • World Map – Sepia

    149,00 490,00 
    A monochromatic map in sepia tones is a proposal for people who prefer subdued colors and atmospheres. The World Map is the leading publication of our publishing house, created by outstanding Silesian artists Kazimierz and Ksawery Kaliski. The original graphic and thematic composition of the publication captivates with its colors and richness of content. The map illustrates both the cartographic image of the continents and their natural and cultural specificity. The hypsometric shape of the globe shows the borders of countries and the names of important toponyms. Through an original, plastic combination of outer space with the Earth's oceans and continents, the publication makes us realize that our planet is only a small part in the ocean of outer space. The color version of the World Map was an original commemorative gadget of the Polish Olympic Committee at the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea. The Polish Olympic Committee authorities presented it in Pyeongchang, South Korea, to the organizers of the games and officials of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
  • World Map (Color)

    149,00 490,00 
    Mapa Świata to czołowa publikacja naszego wydawnictwa, stworzona przez wybitnych śląskich artystów Kazimierza i Ksawerego Kaliskich. Autorska kompozycja graficzna i tematyczna publikacji urzeka kolorystyką i bogactwem treści. Mapa ilustruje zarówno kartograficzny obraz kontynentów, jak i ich specyfikę przyrodniczo-kulturową. Na hipsometrycznym ukształtowaniu globu zaznaczono granice państw i nazwy ważniejszych toponimów. Poprzez oryginalne, plastyczne połączenie przestrzeni kosmicznej z ziemskimi oceanami i kontynentami, publikacja uświadamia nam, iż planeta nasza jest tylko małą cząstką w oceanie przestrzeni kosmicznej. Nasza Mapa Świata była oryginalnym pamiątkowym gadżetem Polskiego Komitetu Olimpijskiego na Zimowych Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2018 w Korei Południowej. Władze PKOl wręczały ją w południowokoreańskim Pjongczangu organizatorom igrzysk oraz działaczom Międzynarodowego Komitetu Olimpijskiego (MKOl).
  • Map of Poland 1918-1939

    149,00 490,00 
    The map shows the borders of the Republic of Poland in the interwar period, along with the administrative division of the country. In addition to the cartographic layer, the map will include engravings presenting the panorama of the lands of the Second Polish Republic with characteristic monuments, coats of arms of the then voivodeships, a list of outstanding figures, creators and leaders of the Second Polish Republic, images of the four independence uprisings that determined the shape of the borders of Poland at that time (Battle of Warsaw, Greater Poland Uprising, Sejny Uprising and Defense of Lviv).
  • Map of the Bolesławiec Forest District

    149,00 490,00 
    An overview map of the Bolesławiec Forest District, one of 33 forest districts that are part of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Wrocław. The map presents a brief description of the forest district, forest divisions and forest habitat types. The Bolesławiec Forest District is located entirely within the Lower Silesian Voivodeship in Bolesławiec County. It consists of 6 communes: Bolesławiec, Warta Bolesławiecka, Osiecznica, Nowogrodziec, Gromadka and the City of Bolesławiec.
  • Millennium Map of Poland

    149,00 490,00 
    This is the first publication of the Pergamena Publishing House, created as a souvenir of the millennium year. Maintained in the convention of old maps, it presents the diocesan administrative division of the Catholic Church in Poland. The side cartouches feature images of the Merciful Christ, Our Lady of Częstochowa and outstanding saints from the history of the Polish church. The lower cartouches feature the blessing of St. John Paul II and the text of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
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