• A publication dedicated to soldiers and all defenders of freedom and peace gathered around the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In an allegorical illustration referring to the Arthurian legend of the Knights of the Round Table, we have shown representatives of NATO member states stylized as knights. The motto of the calendar is a Latin proverb, paraphrased from the prologue to the work On the Art of War by Vegetius, a Roman historian from the 4th century AD Si vis pacem, para bellum – “If you want peace, prepare for war”. In the cartouches forming the frame of the image, we have placed the emblems of NATO countries.  
  • A stylized "herbal" calendar reminiscent of the famous Hippocratic maxim - Your food should be your medicine and your medicine your food. Referring to Hippocrates' dietary advice, we have placed on the board a description of the most important medicinal herbs along with their illustrations and drawings by Leonardo da Vinci from around 1490. The main illustration is the Vitruvian Man. The work is a revision of Vitruvius' concept of the proportions of the human body. The Vitruvian Man is Leonardo's most famous drawing, considered a symbol of combining art with science.
  • A publication dedicated to veterinarians and all those sensitive to animal suffering. In an allegorical illustration, we have presented a veterinarian during an operation on a sick animal. Around the veterinarian, various species of animals (potential patients) are gathered, experiencing with compassion this painful situation for the monkey.  
  • A charming composition of flowers and symbols creating a stylized clock face painted by the famous Silesian artist and illustrator Jarek Nocoń, shows the most important species of plants used in creating a natural flower clock. In the corners we placed allegorical female figures symbolizing the seasons. A flower clock is an original idea of ​​using the natural properties of plants to measure time. This unconventional timepiece is based on the observation of the life cycle of flowers, which open and close their petals at specific times of the day. This idea uses the circadian rhythms of plants, which are naturally synchronized with the rhythms of the environment, mainly with changes in sunlight. The idea of ​​creating a flower clock comes from the observation of the natural behavior of plants by the famous botanist, Carl Linnaeus. In the 18th century, Linnaeus noticed that different species of plants open their flowers at fixed and predictable times of the day, which inspired him to use these phenomena in practice to measure time.
  • Patriotic and educational calendar, compendium of national symbols. It presents a historical outline of the evolution of the Polish emblem, the prophetic message of Cyprian Kamil Norwid indicating the significance of tradition in the history of the nation. We produce the publication in various sizes depending on the needs of the recipient.
  • A calendar dedicated to foresters and hunters with the text of their informal anthem titled "Darz Bór". The song was written in 1920 by forester engineer Stanisław Wyrwiński. In it, he used a phrase of his own creation, which is popular today among Polish foresters and hunters, greeting - Darz Bór.
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